Dear Mavrodians!!!
Due to the fact that there is a huge amount of requests to give help, placed by old participants  and they are ready to give help to others - we release 5% more of the Debt MAVRO (so Total - 10% by now). From today, 01.05.2013, you can withdraw or convert it into new 30% MAVRO. In the nearest future, we
are planning to release more of old MAVRO, as soon as possible. 

बहुत से old  participants द्वारा give help करने पर और उनके दूसरों को help देने के लिए  तयार होने पर - हम 5% Debt MAVRO (so Total - 10% by now) आज से release कर रहे है। अज से 01.05.2013 आप इसको withdraw या 30% new MAVRO में convert कर सकते हो  । हम भविष्य में और अधिक old MAVRO release करेंगे। 

As per multiple requests by managers, during this difficult period of restart, as well as  need of reorganization of your structure and to make it more healthy (extension of the direct downline),
we increase manager "bonus" of 1st level up to 10%. But only for 1 month,i.e. till 01.06.2013. This will be sufficient enough to build your own structures properly and pass through the difficult period of Restart

managers के कई  अनुरोधों के अनुसार, इस मुश्किल restart के समय और उसके साथ अपने संरचना के पुनर्गठन और उसको अधिक स्वस्थ बनाने के लिए  (extension of the direct downline) हम 1st level manager "bonus" को  10%  बढ़ा  रहे है। पर यह केवल 1 month,i.e. till 1.06.2013 तक होगा। यह खुद की संरचनाओं का निर्माण करने और इस मुश्किल Restart के समय से गुजेरने के लिए  पर्याप्त होगा.

We remind all our old participants again to warn the people who join our System, that it is necessary to give help in our community WITHOUT ANY EXPECTATION OF PROFIT. When you come to the temple and donate money or you help the poor with some money, later you dont expect to get it back from God or from the poor helpless people, right? But at the same time you are thinking that by giving this money, spreading happiness, you will be rewarded in life.
Here in MMM - the same applies. The only difference is that the help is needed in life not only by poor people, but also by ordinary people.
 That's why MMM is called mutual aid fund. Do not forget that!

हम एक बार फिरसे अपने पुराने participants को याद दिलवा रहे हैं कि, हमारे सिस्टम में शामिल होने वाले लोगों को सचेत करने के लिए कि हमारे समुदाय में बिना किसी लाभ के मदद देने के लिए आएँ। 
जब हम मंदिर में जाकर पैसा दान करते है या किसी गरीब को अपनी ख़ुशी से पैसा देते हैं  तो फिर हम क्या वो पैसे की वापिस मिलने की उम्मीद करते है क्या? लेकिन एक ही समय में पैसा  देकर मदद करके आप खुशी के प्रसार करने पर आपको अपने जीवन में पुरस्कृत होने की भावना मिलेगी। MMM में यही लागू होता है। फर्क सिर्फ इतना है की मदद सिर्फ न केवल गरीब लोगों को चाहिए बल्कि आम लोगों को भी 
अपने जीवन में चाहिए . यही कारण है कि  MMM को mutual aid fund कहते है यह कभी नही भूलना .



Dear Mavrodians!
There were a lot of confusions and questions  arised during the transfer procedure before, we would like to clarify the details again! Important! Many fraud cases were found! We have tried to put all the points together to make it easier for you!

 We want to make it clear for everyone! There will be no exceptions about these points!

1. If you have made payment, but Recepient does not confirm it - within 48 hours - 
send mail to    (Subject: FRAUD). 
After verification - Recepient' ID will be blocked as Fraud. Managers, you can always confirm funds of your downline, if he/she is not able to do it due to some reasons. ("Rules №14")

2. If you are asking for extension of time but Recepient is not reacting - contact his/her Manager or ask your manager to do it. If manager of Recepient can't be reachable - mail (Subject: MISBEHAVIOUR). 
After verification - CRO will take action agains this particular manager ("Rules №22")

3. If time is not extended - you MUST make payment within particular period of time. Don't upload any other images, phrases etc. or it will be considered as FRAUD.  If there is anything else other than authentic proof of document is attached by Sender - your ID will be blocked. ("Rules №14")

4. If Status of the Order is:

- Stopped because of past due by Sender
- Cancelled by participant during preparation stage
- Cancelled by the manager of participant during preparation stage
- Cancelled by CRO prior to full completion

If you've made payment after cancellation of Order - you will have to request the Recepient to transfer your funds back. Recipient MUST do it within one week time. If you don't receive your funds back within a week - mail to (Subject: FRAUD), 
after verification - Recepient's ID will be blocked as FRAUD. ("Rules №13")

5. If you've made payment, but clicked Refuse button during uploading of document - Your payment WILL NOT BE CONFIRMED BY CRO!  You will have to request to Recepient to transfer your funds back. Recipient MUST do it within one week time. If you don't receive your funds back within a week - mail to (Subject: FRAUD), 
after verification - Recepient's ID will be blocked as FRAUD. ("Rules №13")

P.S. If your ID is BLOCKED as FRAUD - please, don't raise a Ticket in Feedback, it will NOT BE entertained.

For more, see here



Well what can we say... Very sad, that these speakers, going to discuss LIVE about our project, were not even able to check the web-site It seems, politicians have forgotten what it means to help someone free of charge.
 When there is constructive criticism - then we are going to comment.

 But our Mavrodian was good!

 Did you notice how with his answer drove them to a screeching halt?!

JAI MMM!!!We Can Do A Lot!!!



Let us clarify one thing, First of all, title of the article itself proves that the author has never bothered even to read the main page of our web-site. Where did the  "double-your-money" story come from? From where came the deposits and investments which new members put into the accounts of old ones? From where came "'minor' terms and conditions, which makes it difficult to get your real money back?" What nonsense!

Its very important that you understand, that we are a "community", and in our community everyone helps each other without any expectations and does it free of charge. Where on our web-site did they see that "Rs 5000 are locked permanently in air"All Mavros have always been available for withdrawal. At the very moment, only part of the old Mavro is frozen, but with today's dynamics we are sure even this part will be released soon.

We don't have owner, we don't have a company, and we don't need to accumulate or keep money anywhere. All that is, the money of participants and this money is always are available for use by all the participnats of the System themselves. Every paisa. No one controls any particular amount like Rs 5000 in virtual accounts and no one is obliged to keep anything. Why do we need to do it in our community at all? Maybe authors have read some other site, but not

Why has the government and the Reserve Bank not tried to apply our idea? And who will allow the Government of India or the Reserve Bank of india to do it. Or maybe somebody wants a war against NATO? Today, it is not allowed for anyone, it's totally a monopoly of FED, dollar and the international banking system. Don't you understand that today, those who do not agree to play by their rules - end up like Saddam Hussein or Muammar Gaddafi.

Because if the government of India launches our idea and mechanics, not even as Mutual Fund, but, for example, as goverment high-risk high-yield bonds, India can become a global financial centerSince these bonds can be purchased anywhere around the world. Who would not want to buy a new global means of payment which is growing by 30% a month? If the authorities in India take time and thinks about it, we are ready to provide any assistance in this international project.

Why this idea is not "sold through customary marketing system"? And why are you so concerned about it? By chance, are you getting paid by them?

We believe, that this mechanism must belong to ordinary people and also help - to ordinary people. Customary marketing system was created by the so-called "global goverment" as a mecahnism for slaves. But the mechanics of making money out of thin air they have left for the Fed, dollar and the banking system. That's why they forbid it for ordinary people, in any country, in any form. Even in such form as Mutual Aid Fund.

And that is why Sergei Mavrodi with his idea is so persecuted. And please, try to think why will a person if he has served prison - again and again starts spreading this idea among the people, when he knows and realises all the risks??? Because of the money? If you check more careful - in all the court cases it is proved that Sergei Mavrodi didn't take any thing when he was actually capable of taking advantage of the billions of dollars. So for what he is spreading the idea then? Just read carefully his life history and ideology and you will understand everything.

And regarding this nonsence - we even don't want to comment. Please, if someone wishes to write them - please, check!



 Today hundred's manager from Bombay JAYSRI MANE -  has been DEMOTED to the level of participant and her ID -  permanently deleted.

She, has been a part of MMM but she has not been explaining ideology and also not explaining "RULES" of the system. This participant has also been taking "CASH" people and was giving them verbal guranteese of payback with interest. She used to create their ID and to use their Virtual Accounts by herself, and log-in on behalf of them,
 and was charging them for this purpose as well!
 Many of the participants who had be registered by her don't even heve a clue as to where they have joined they had been joined only to make money.

This is totally a FRAUD case which MMM does not support, This is a case of cheating and breaking the trust of people and because of people like this, we also are being compared to all the other FRAUD COMPANIES.
 JAYSRI MANE is now in the police station and has been demanded explanations of her actions. That's why we're so concerned about the qualification and appointment of managers. This is the main reason why participants have to log-in themselves to Virtual Accounts and make any kind of actions in the system by themselves, this will also avoid the situation wherein managers are not misusing the system and not using system for their own selfish benefits and  purposes.
 These activities can create a very bad image on the whole system and all the participants!

Ten Tousand's managers!!!! Please, make the conditions for qualification of new managers in your structures -  more "STRICT". Otherwise, you will face  similar problems in future and ultimately it will fall on your shoulders.

In this regard, we warn that for such actions - all managers will be  demoted and permanently deleted without remorse. There is no place in our community for fraud people like you.



Spanish police have arrested a Dutch national suspected of being behind one of the biggest distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks to date.
The Netherlands national prosecution office said a 35-year-old suspect it identified only by his initials, SK, was arrested on Thursday at his home in Barcelona.
Dutch prosecutors do not release full names of suspects, in line with privacy laws, but the suspect is believed to be Sven Kamphuis, owner of Dutch hosting firm Cyberbunker.
In early April, investigators accused Kamphuis of unleashing powerful DDoS attacks against anti-spam group Spamhausafter it blacklisted Cyberbunker.
Spamhaus websites were bombarded with large numbers of page requests generating network traffic of up to 300Gbps in an attempt to render the organisation unreachable.
Kamphuis rejected the accusations, saying he was the victim of an establishment conspiracy and being blamed for the attacks on Spamhaus because of the row over the blacklisting.
The row erupted after Spamhaus blocked servers maintained by Cyberbunker, which in turn accused the non-profit content filtering organisation of "abusing its influence” as a self-appointed censor.
In a statement, the Dutch public prosecutor said the man arrested in Barcelona was "suspected of unprecedented heavy attacks" on Spamhaus.
Kamphuis rejected the accusations, saying he was the victim of an establishment conspiracy and being blamed for the attacks on Spamhaus because of the row over the blacklisting.
The row erupted after Spamhaus blocked servers maintained by Cyberbunker, which in turn accused the non-profit content filtering organisation of "abusing its influence” as a self-appointed censor.
In a statement, the Dutch public prosecutor said the man arrested in Barcelona was "suspected of unprecedented heavy attacks" on Spamhaus.



नमस्कार मुझे आपसे आज एक ऐसे कॉन्सेप्ट को बताने का मौका मिल रहा है जिस पर शायद आज आपको बिल्कुल विश्वास नहीं हो, लेकिन यदि आपने इसे गंभीरता पूर्वक समझने की कोशिश की तो ज़रूर आपको महसूस होगा की इस कॉन्सेप्ट से हज़ारो लाखों लोगों की ज़िंदगियाँ बनाई और बदली जा सकती है और अपनी तो खुद बखुद बदल जाएगी.
यह कॉन्सेप्ट रशिया के एक लोक प्रिय पेरसिओं मिस्टर. सेर्जी मवरोड़ी जी की दिमाग़ मे आया और वहाँ से शुरू होकर आज दुनिया के 90 से ज़्यादा देशों मे फैल चुका है और लगातार फैलता जा रहा है. भारत मे यह जुलाइ 2012 से चालू हुआ और अब तक लगभग 7 lakh. जागरूक लोगों तक पहुँच चुका है और बिजली की तरह पूरे देश मे फैलता जा रहा है.

क्या है यह कॉन्सेप्ट-------?
दोस्तों !! यह कॉन्सेप्ट बेंकिंग प्रणाली पर आधारित है और "सहयोग दो तो सहयोग मिलेगा" के सिद्धांत पर काम करता है.वास्तव मे देखा जाए तो सभी बेंक अप्रत्यक्ष रूप से इसी सिद्धांत पर काम करते हैं. हमारा बेंक मे जमा पैसा दूसरों के काम आता है और बेंक द्वारा हमें मिलने वाला पैसा भी उस बेंक मे जमा किए हुए दूसरे लोगों का होता है.यानी बेंक में पैसा जमा करने वाले और बेंक से पैसा निकालने वाले हम सभी लोगों का पैसा ही एक दूसरे के काम आता है.लेकिन यह सब बेंक के माध्यम से होता है इसलिए दिखता नहीं है.
लोग बेंकों मे अपना पैसा क्यो जमा करते हैं?

इसके 2 कारण है_____(1) पैसे की सुरक्षा के लिए और
(2)पैसे का ब्याज मिलता है
(1) आइए विचार करें क्या बॅंक मे जमा राशि सुरक्षित होती है ? जैसा की सबको पता है की बॅंक अपने यहाँ जमा राशि का लगभग आधा हिस्सा बॅंक मे रखता है जिससे बॅंक का दैनिक लेनदेन चलता है और आधा हिस्सा एक निश्चित टाइम के लिए हाइ इटेरेस्ट  पर रोल करता है और काफ़ी बड़ा अमाउंट तैयार कर लेता है. अगर कभी ऐसा हो की बॅंक मे जमा अपना पैसा निकालने सभी लोग पहुँच जाएँ तो क्या बॅंक सब को भुगतान कर पाएगा ? बिल्कुल नहीं कर पाएगा क्योकि वो लोगों के पैसे को कहीं दूसरी जगह एक निश्चित टाइम के लिए इनवेस्ट किया हुआ है. तब बॅंक का क्या होगा ? क्या वो चलेगा ? बिल्कुल नहीं. दूसरी एक बात और जानने और समझने की है कि कभी भीकिसी आतंक,दैवी आपदा या अन्या किसी कारण से हुई बॅंक मे जमा राशि की क्षति होने की स्थिति मे रिज़र्व बॅंक द्वारा एक निश्चित अमाउंट ही लौटने का प्रावधान है, जमा चाहे जितना रहा हो. ऐसी स्तिथि मे देखा जाय तो बॅंक मे जमा पैसा सुरक्षित नहीं है फिर भी लोग बॅंक मे पैसा यह सब जानते हुए भी करते है और यह विस्वास करते हैं कि ऐसा नहीं होगा, जो भी होगा सब के साथ होगा.
(2)बॅंक मे पैसा जमा करने का दूसरा कारण है की ब्याज मिलता है.आप सभी को पता है की लोगों को बॅंक द्वारा इंटेरेस्ट कम मिलता है लेकिन लोगों से बॅंक लेता ज़्यादा है. यानी लोगों के पैसे को हाइ इंटेरेस्ट रेट पर रोल करके बॅंक करोड़ों अरबो कमाता है लेकिन जिनके पैसो से यह कमाई करता है उन लोगो को सिर्फ़ 6-8 % मे ही संतोष करना पड़ता है.क्योकि आम आदमी के पास ना तो कोई ऐसा औसर है की वो भी अपने अमाउंट को हाइ इंटेरेस्ट रते पर रोल करके अपने अमाउंट को बड़ा कर सके और ना ही उसस्के पास लखो करोड़ो रुपया ही है की वो रोलिंग मे लगा सके.

हम आज जिस कॉन्सेप्ट की बात करने वाले हैं उसके द्वारा मिलता है आम आदमी को भी अपने पैसे को हाइ इंटेरेस्ट रेट पर रोलिंग का अवसर...!! आइए जानें कैसे होती है इससकी शुरुआत ????
सबसे पहले आपको जी०मेल में एक ई०मेल जेनरेट करनी होती है और साथ मे अपना नाम और मो०न० अपने टेन'स मॅनेजर को डाइरेक्ट या अपने सीनियर साथी के द्वारा लोग इन के लिए भेजना होटा है.
लोग इन के बाद आप SYSTEMकी साइट पर आप मवरो करेंसी खरीदते हैं. मतलब आप 5000 से 50,000 किसी भी अमाउंट को घोषित करते हैं कि यह अमाउंट मैंSYSTEM के पार्टिसिपेंट्स के हेल्प के लिए रखा हूँ. सिस्टम के रिक्वेस्ट पर मई इस अमाउंट को हेल्प में दूँगा! अमाउंट आपको किसी को देना नहीं है इससे अपने सेविंग ए/सी में ही रखना है. जिस दिन से आप यह डिक्लेर करते हैं उससी दिन से 30%MAVRO बढ़ना चालू हो जाता है. एक वीक मे 2 बार MAVRO  बढ़ना    लगता है और आपका अमाउंट वेयर्चुयल ए/सी में सिस्टम में दिखता रहता है. जब भी सिस्टम आपको अर्जी भेजता है कि अमुक व्यक्ति के ए/सी में आप इतना अमाउंट डालें और आपको कॉन्सेप्ट पर विस्वास होता है तो आप उस के ए/सी मे पैसा डाल देते है. पैसा डालते ही आप भी अपना पैसा MAVRO groth  के साथ लेने के पात्र हो जाते हैं और आप भी गेट हेल्प का प्रोसेस कर देते हैं तो आपको भी सिस्टम द्वारा आपका अमाउंट आपके ए/सी मे डलवाया जाता है.पहली बार BUY MOVRO का प्रोसेस यानी हेल्प की राशि डिक्लेर करने मे नेट बॅंकिंग ज़रूरी नहीं है लेकिन सेकेंड बार नेट बॅंकिंग अनिवार्य है.
दोस्तों यह कॉन्सेप्ट न्यू और अनोखा है. शुरुआत मे लोगों को विश्वास नहीं होता. सो 5000/- से शुरू करते हैं और उनको पैसा मिलने लगता है वा कॉन्सेप्ट क्लियर होता चला जाता है तो गिव हेल्प के अमाउंट को बढ़ाते चले जाते हैं और 50,000/- की रोलिंग भी करने लगते हैं.



                                 WHAT IS DONATION? HOW TO REACT ON WATER DISTRIBUTION?


A global socio-economic revolution (M.. M.. M.)

M M M a revolution in the social welfare and social work
Belongs! There is nothing wrong if you say it is the social institution

A lot of people here and thinking their own thoughts on it its own
Is expressed in language!
Some ignorant people think it's an investment! Swn his idea, anyway!
Kyuki any other person whose life I am not the spirit of cooperation
She will be based on the investment
Kyuki for your stomach to think such a person! For someone else
What would, would not commented on such persons!
Here is how some people use the word will determine how much!
So guys, do not apply here!
Kyuki here there is no money to find a company here where Kyuki
You have to! The place where a company's money is spent!
Here you just have to help the other brothers! The
Sought help and if someone is asking for help and you're helping the
Here's just a matter of putting the money!
If someone comes here with a sense of putting money! Then her brother with folded hands
Please kindly do not get the money and where the money raised here
Do not force! In the spirit of helping a person
Otherwise he had no other way to capture capabilities! No Kyuki here
No, you will not have to invest money in the company!
If the type and time when you helped someone when your time is up
Happens! At that time you can get help if you need any help stop
The system will not help you and wait for you at that time

No responsibility! There is no company Kyuki!

Sergey Mwrodi dream: -

According to Sergey Mwrodi thinking of a Arthshashtri looking at that point
That is the greatest weakness of human greed and avarice, each person in
It is a mass was a time when man was at the hub! And money man
Was walking back and forth! Humanity in that era did not have money to be primarily
Provided companionship and support each other so the man was from the heart
! Interest on the money and not human but not in today's world axis
But money has become the pivot! Round up the money but not human
Money man is running around!
And Sergey Mwrodi says the cause of U.S. policy and
Pyramid! Which is thus made! Gradually the poor poorer
The rich will be richer, and one day humanity wound
And no one will help a fraction of the money in front of you to do today
Must be the same.
We know of people probably do not understand just came Sergey Mwrodi but time
'll Understand a lot of changes and will learn a lot
Pyramid Pyramid was from the U.S.! Shri Ram Chandra Ji Ram
State, Shri Krishna Ji tiny state but not the poor
So if the poor were used to cooperate closely with each other and the
Would take to create rich! Minister of Sri Krishna Sudama cooperation
Did! But today cone will support millions of Sudama! The reason is greed
! Which is why so much money on a lifetime of use, not only
And can someone so little for him to feed himself and his family
By race day the sun has to be earned! And have to eat every day! Those future
Neither the time nor the money that people would think!

The person who needs blood to the blood
Surrey social work and social system of the differential Your last employed
Which will be its main purpose!
In this system would encompass internal and logos understood as the right
Explained, saying the wrong thing not brought into the social body! Here Kyuki
No investment is not where you want to live Sergey Mwrodi No more money and where
So where is the water! And where any water in it, such
The canal should be designed to benefit everyone! The day will finish the task that
Every person will be strong in the economic situation of the country the day! And for that
What to know, is there a rule of economics! The people funding
There is a grain that country's economy is very strong! Like Today
U.S. Biswguru time he is called today!
Thu, India was a time when we called the golden bird
Was! But now we have become a gold bird lion but gold
! Need to come back and be part of our not Roar

Well, it informed of the system, and part of it is now!
As we can see everybody in our society who collected money
They distribute food to hungry people
Piaui retrofitted with water in summer
Let him go to the charity and they do not ever come here
Sergey Mwrodi would like to live the dream that is undertaken! The same way
Internal participating in the global revolution and take off soon we Kyuki
The greed of people is going to end! ..........................!


MMMINDIA - भारत सरकार द्वारा जारी फर्जी इन्वेस्टमेंट कंपनियों की सूची

 भारत सरकार द्वारा जारी फर्जी इन्वेस्टमेंट कंपनियों की सूची

नेशनल न्यूज ब्यूरो। भारत में कंपनी मामलों के राज्यमंत्री सचिन पायलट ने भारत में संचालित फर्जी इन्वेस्टमेंट कंपनियों की सूची जारी कर दी है। सरकार का कहना है कि ये सभी कंपनियां फर्जी हैं एवं कभी भी धोखा दे सकतीं हैं। इस सूची में कर्इ् ऐसी कंपनियों के नाम भी शामिल हैं जो बाजार से करोड़ों समेट चुकीं हैं।

हम इस सूची को आपके लिए यथावत प्रस्तुत कर रहे हैं। आप भी देखिए किस किस कंपनी के नाम शामिल हैं इस सूची में:-


(1) M/s. Vibgyour Allied Infrastructure Ltd.

(2) M/s. Rose Valley Real Estates Constructions Ltd.

(3) M/s. Rose Valley Industries Ltd.

(4) M/s. Silver Valley Communications Ltd.

(5) M/s. Rose Valley Food Beverage Ltd.

(6) M/s. Rose Valley Marketing India Ltd.

(7) M/s. Rose Valley Infotech Pvt. Ltd.

(8) M/s. Rose Valley Hotels and Entertainments Ltd.

(9) M/s. Rose Valley Projects Ltd.

(10) M/s. Rose Valley Patrika Ltd.

(11) M/s. Rose Valley Films Ltd.

(12) M/s. Modern Investment Traders Pvt. Ltd.

(13) M/s. Rose Valley Travels Pvt. Ltd.

(14) M/s. Brand Value Communications Ltd.

(15) M/s. Rose Valley Housing Development Finance Corporation Ltd.

(16) M/s. Rose Valley Airlines Ltd.

(17) M/s. Rose Valley Fashions Ltd.

(18) M/s. Rupasi Bangla Projects India Ltd.

(19) M/s. Rupasi Bangla media and Entertainments Ltd.

(20) M/s. Rose Valley Realcom Ltd.

(21) M/s. Saradha Realty India Ltd.

(22) M/s. RTC Properties India Ltd.

(23) M/s. RTC Real Trade India Ltd.

(24) M/s. Jasoda Real Estate Ltd.

(25) M/s. Saradha Printing & Publication Pvt. Ltd.

(26) M/s. Saradha Agro Development Ltd.

(27) M/s. Saradha Biogas Production Pvt. Ltd.

(28) M/s. Saradha Tour and Travels Pvt. Ltd.

(29) M/s. Saradha Automobiles India Ltd.

(30) M/s. Saradha Constructions Company Pvt. Ltd.

(31) M/s. Saradha Shopping Mall Pvt. Ltd.

(32) M/s. Saradha Education Enterprise Ltd.

(33) M/s. Saradha Exports Ltd.

(34) M/s. Goldmine Agro Ltd.

(35) M/s. Tower Infotech Pvt. Ltd.

(36) M/s. Chakra Infrastructure Ltd.

(37) M/s. Gold Field Agro Ltd.

(38) M/s. Golden Life Agro India Ltd.

(39) M/s. Golden Pariwar Holding and Developers India Ltd.

(40) M/s. Goldmine Food Products Ltd.

(41) M/s. Hallo India Express Sales Ltd.

(42) M/s. Happy Life Realty (India) Ltd.

(43) M/s. ICore E-Service Ltd.(44) M/s. MPS Aqua Marine Products Ltd.

(45) M/s. MPS Greenery Developers Ltd.

(46) M/s. MPS Industries & Agro Research Ltd.

(47) M/s. MPS Resorts and Hotels Ltd.

(48) M/s. Prayag Agrotech Pvt. Ltd.

(49) M/s. Prayag Infotech Hi-Rise Ltd.

(50) M/s. Prayag Infra Realtors Ltd.

(51) M/s. Prayag Micro Finance

(52) M/s. Rahul Heights Ltd.

(53) M/s. Rahul Hi-Rise Ltd.

(54) M/s. Ramel Industries Ltd.

(55) M/s. Shine India Agro Industries Ltd.

(56) M/s. Silicon Projects India Ltd.

(57) M/s. Sunshine Agro-Infra Ltd.

(58) M/s. Sunshine India Land Developers Ltd.

(59) M/s. URO Agro India Ltd.

(60) M/s. URO Autotech Ltd.

(61) M/s. URO Hotels and Resorts India Ltd.

(62) M/s. URO Hygenic Goods Ltd.

(63) M/s. URO Infotech Ltd.

(64) M/s. URO Infra Realty India Ltd.

(65) M/s. URO Life Care Ltd.

(66) M/s. URO Trexim Ltd.

(67) M/s. URO Walkers Ltd.

(68) M/s. Vasundhara Realcon Ltd.

(69) M/s. Vibgyor Allied Industries Ltd.

(70) M/s. Vishwamitra India Consultancy Services Ltd.

(71) M/s. Vishwamitra India Multi-Developers Ltd.

(72) M/s. Waris Hospital & Diagnostic Centre Ltd. (Now Waris Healthcare


(73) M/s. Waris Telecom Services Ltd. (Waris Tel International Ltd.)


(1) M/s. PACL (India) Ltd.

(2) M/s. Goldsukh Trade India Ltd.


(1) M/s Unipay 2U Marketing Pvt. Ltd.

(2) M/s Unipay Creative Business Pvt. Ltd.

(3) M/s Unipay 2U Production Pvt. Ltd.

(4) M/s. Goldquest International Pvt. Ltd.

(5) M/s. Questnet Enterprises India Pvt. Ltd.


(1) M/s Unigateway 2U Trading Pvt. Ltd.


(1) M/s Speakasia Online Pte. (Unregistered)

(2) M/s. Basil International Ltd.

(3) M/s. Vamshi Chemicals Ltd.

(4) M/s. Appeline Cosmetics & Toiletries Ltd.

(5) M/s. Basil Express Ltd.


(1) M/s. Nixcil Pharmaceuticals Specialties Ltd. 


Abhishek Anand
mob - 09934774632

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