Source :


Please read!Dear Mavrodians, 

1. Everybody must know how to write about any problems correctly! We have: Format of Tickets as per issues via Feedback in virtual account. 
Feedback / Tickets are not Essay Writing Competition. Don't write BIG / LENGTHY content. 
Write Short and to the point with all necessary details. Like:
Participant ID: ( In All Cases )
Order Number ( In case of Fraud / Fake Slip / Pending Confirmation )
For Change Number : ( Old Number and New Number with +91 code)
Technical : ( attach screenshots and write details)
Fraud : ( attach Fake Slips - Order Number - Participant Id- Sender's Id - Amount)
Unblock : ( Participant Id - Reason - Attach Proof)
Confirm:  ( attach Slips and Bank statement - Order Number - Participant Id- Sender's Id - Amount)
Format of Tickets as per issues via Feedback in virtual account:

     सबको मालूम होना चाहिए की अपनी परेशानी को कैसे बताना है. हमारे पास है : Feedback in virtual account , इसको कैसे इस्तमाल करना है उसके लिए आप यह खोलकर देखें. Link:
Video Tutorial:
 All problems have to be written in this format. Ask your managers to help with it. 
सभी Problems को  सही तरीके से ही लिखना होगा . आप अपने Managers से पूछो मदद करने को
     2. If you have any technical problem - make screenshot and write in detail how and where the problem occurs, sent this problem to with Subject "technical error". Emails with this Subject, but other problem inside are not accepted and will be delete. We advise you to take screenshots with this program 
Use Lightshot software   /”)
         अगर आपको कोई technical problem है - तो उसका screenshot बनाकर mail  करे with Subject "technical error" और सारी जानकारी लिखना  है। Emails सिर्फ technical problem के लिए लिखना बाकी सब mails delete कर  देंगे।
     3.  Online help is only advises how to work in the system. It's not CRO. All are managers.
        Online help सिर्फ आपको काम को कैसे करना है उसके लिए मदद करने के लिए है। वो CRO  नही है। वो सब managers  है .
    4. All news about DEBT release will be on our site in Administration section. Follow news.
Debt  Release की सब जानकारी सिर्फ Administration section में मिलेगी . News को देखना शुरू  करदो। 
    5. Managers always stay in touch so that participants can reach you.
Managers अपनी team के लिए हमेशा उपलब्द होने चाहिए जिस से participants आपसे बात कर  सके।

Respect each other! Help each other! MMM is big friendly family.
एक दुसरे की इज्ज़त दो। मदद करो एक दुसरे की।
MMM एक  विशाल मिलनसार परिवार है


mmmindia - MAVRO MELA 2013 on 26th May at Chandigarh.

MAVRO MELA 2013 on 26th May at Chandigarh. This Project is Approved by Alexi Sir and Dinesh Kotian So Please Publish it in Administration News as early possibilities.

26th May, 2013 Mavro Mela

10.00 am -------- Cloth Distribution poor People
01.00 pm -------- LANGAR (Lunch for poors people)
02.30 pm -------- Dance Competition for kidz.  
(Mavrodian Kidz can also join this Compitition)
06.00 pm -------- Singer Night, Fashion Show, Russian Belly Dance, Western/Folk Dances.

Alexi Muratov and Dinesh Kotian Sir will be there to Motivate all the Mavrodians. 

Please collect your donor Pass by your 10K Managers. All the 10K Managers Please coordinate with Mavrodians Navneet Chopra, Ravinder Dabra, Dinesh Goregaonkar, Arvind Bohra, Devarajam Pallikonda

Please check the attachment and publish it also...


mmmindia - Conference and the charity event at a boarding school for children with mental disabilities on 16May in Lucknow

Considering numerous requests of managers to Mr. Aleksie Muratov during his tour to India we have come up with a decision to increase referral bonus upto 10% which will give an active boost and encourage Mavrodians. Also now onwards The limit for purchase of MAVRO for each participant is minimum 500 INR to maximum 50 000 INR at a particular time so that each person will have now opportunity to help another person. Lets us move forward Mavrodians ,this is just the beginning.

Mr. Aleksie Muratov के India के दौरे पर बार बहुत बार Managers ने Request करने पर हमने अब निर्णय लिया की हम referral bonus को upto 10% तक release कर  रहे है जो Mavrodians  को एक नया जोश और होंसला देगा। अबसे हर Participant के लिए एक समय पर MAVRO Purchase करने की Limit को minimum 500 INR to maximum 50,000 INR कर  दिया है, अब हर किसी को एक दुसरे की मदद देने का मौका मिलेगा। चलो मिलकर आगे चलते है अभी तो बस शुरवात है।

And we remind this works ONLY for "new money". For "old money" there are no limits. How does it work?

लेकिन इस 'नए पैसे "के लिए ही काम करेगा . "पुराने पैसे" के लिए कोई सीमा नहीं है. यह कैसे काम करता है?

If you have already provided help for 50 thousand and after that - you received help for more than 50 thousand (for example 10 lakhs), you are eligible to give help again equaling exactly to that amount i.e. 10 lakhs, BUT NOT MORE.

अगर आप पहले से ही 50 हजार के लिए सहायता प्रदान की है और उसके बाद - अगर आपने 50 thousand से अधिक  (उदाहरण के 10 लाख के लिए) की सहायता प्राप्त की है तो आप उतनी राशि यानी की 10 लाख की राशि के बिल्कुल बराबर फिर से मदद देने के लिए पात्र हैं, लेकिन अधिक नहीं.

This is the concept of Mutual Aid Fund. If you have difficult times and need help - take it, but later, when you have free money, by returning this "old money" back to the System - you can give help to someone who need it that moment. And you are not at risk, right? You already received more funds than you gave. Why not to help someone?

यह आपसी सहायता कोष की अवधारणा है. अगर आपका कठिन समय है और मदद की जरूरत है - तो मदद ले लो, लेकिन जब आपके Free  Money  है तो सिस्टम को वापस करना इस "पुराने पैसे" को और दुसरे की मदद करना  जिसको उस समय मदद चाहिए होगी। और तुम, खतरे में नहीं हो, सही है? आपने पहले से दी मदद से अगर अधिक प्राप्त किया, तो क्यों न किसी की और की मदद करे?

Now, first of all it relates to managers, many of whom already received help from others - and it was NOT ONCE. The System automatically calculates all your transactions, and technically allows you to buy Mavro for more than 50,000.

अब , सबसे पहले इसको managers से संबंधित करते है जिनमें से कई पहले से ही दूसरों से मदद प्राप्त की है - और यह एक बार नहीं था। प्रणाली स्वतः ही अपने सभी लेनदेन की गणना करती  है, और तकनीकी रूप से आपको 50,000 से अधिक Mavro खरीदने के लिए अनुमति देता है.

"Give if you can, Take if you have to"
If everyone understands this concept - MMM System can live forever! 

"दे दो अगर आप कर सकते हैं, ले लो अगर आपको चाहिए "
अगर हर कोई इस अवधारणा को समझ जाय - MMM System हमेशा के लिए रह सकते हैं!

And one more Reminder!!! Dear managers - withdraw your bonuses - and spend for promotion the idea of MMM via advertising wherever you can!!! That's for what manager bonuses are there!!!

और एक फिरसे बाद याद दिलाना चाहते हैं !!!! Dear managers - अपने Bonus withdraw करलो और इसको खर्च करो MMM की promotion विज्ञापन के माध्यम से बढ़ावा देने के लिए,  जहां भी आप कर सकते हैं। इसी के लिए होता है manager bonuses!

Together, We Can Do More!!!
साथ में, हम अधिक कर सकते हैं!

And we are changing the world!!!!
और हम दुनिया को बदल रहे हैं!


mmmindia - 1st MEGA BLOOD DONATION CAMP at Jamshedpur, Jharkhand ON 19TH MAY, 2013

1st MEGA BLOOD DONATION CAMP at Jamshedpur, Jharkhand ON 19TH MAY, 2013
With the help and support by MMM INDIA and Blood Bank Jamshedpur

Date     : 19th May, 2013
Venue   : Rajendra Vidalaya, Bihar Association, Sakchi, Jamshedpur.
Time     : 10 am Onwards


mmmindia - Internet competition "MMM Internet revolution!"

Internet competition "MMM Internet revolution!"
Since  14.05.2013
We are being asked a very common question these days ie. How to Become an Online Consultant? 
Now we are coming up with an official reply to your question in form of " A Competition - "MMM Internet revolution!".
Those who win this competition would be considered as our Online Consultant for MMM India Website.
What is this competition and what are the rules to follow?
Competition is very simple, we need to promote our Website and for that need maximum links from other web pages/blogs/face book/websites/forums/ etc towards our website.
We believe most of them are already doing such things but now your efforts could be rewarded with a prize "Online Consultant "in our website.
We have 50 Seats as our Online Consultant!
Rules & Conditions or Recommendations:
  1. Those who make most of the LINKS to our official website would be considered as Winners.
  2. Every Link will be awarded  1 Point Each and Maximum number of Points will give us Winner.
  3. We will evaluate each and every link using some special software. So you all are requested to work honestly to save valuable time.
  4. Links: Should remain visible for others for at least 3 days.
  5. You May use our Home Page or any other page there is no such compulsion of using only HOME Page for links. For example you can use our NEWS / RULES / Registration / Seminars/ Social actions/ etc.
  6. The main purpose is to bring more traffic to our official website or direct more people towards our Official Website.
  7. The place where you are putting our LINKS should be ACTIVE or LIVE for public.
  8. Only Correct Information or publishing MMM in a positive way would be consider as valid link
  9. No Spam allowed only LIVE TEXT would be considered as a valid LINK.
  10. If an online resource poor (low attendance, no activity), then your link in any case is counted as usual.  But such links can make as many, it is not forbidden to do just a normal link.
  11. Connect friends in the process that they have helped you - can and should be. Also recommend that you connect the participants.
Evaluation results:
After creating your Links to our website, you need to submit your work in email.
  1. Create one Excel Sheet and put your all Links in One Column and Make a Total at the bottom of that column. And you need to mention your score in Subject while doing mail.
  2. One URL means ONE LINK and that will be considered as ONE Point.
  3. We need Screen shots of Visibility of Links BUT don’t send in picture format, we need screenshots in LINKS form ( TIP : Use Lightshot software   /”)
Link Address
Screenshot Link Address
Total Points

  1. Send this Email at with a
    Subject  "mmm challenge  4242 points”
      that means you have to Type your Email ID instead of and in points 4242 you need to put your total number of points. The Total would be calculated automatically in the excel sheet you maintain.
  2. We will evaluate and put Points on your links.
  3. Also next to each link should enter the date of its placement (remember accepted only fresh links, ie links created to 14.05.2013).
  4. Administration of MMM INDIA reserves the right to give more points for quality links.
  5. Awarded a place of honor on the site 5 people who Rank up the most points during for 10 days.
  6. Those who score less may try again and their New Points would be added in their Old Points.
-        Forums: You may start a new thread in the forum. No matter what. But it is important you start any topic on MMM India with great care. BUT the important part is the LINK of our website-
-        Blogs. If you have a well-promoted blog, then you can at least once a day to write it in an interesting post about MMM INDIA or something adjacent and put there a link to the official site.
-        Most visited sites. If you have the opportunity to put a banner ad or a link to a good website, the place, of course. Be counted.
-         Necessarily involved in the discussion of the greatest possible number of people. The more comments or posts in your subject, the greater the chance of an opportunity to be a reference quality.
-        It is very effective to first select the specific news on the main site, and after the pick under her thread on the forums, discussions, blogs, and comments on popular sites, including the news.
-        If you do not have a popular blog, links to the main website can and should be left in the comments to the popular posts on other blogs. Comments should not be empty logs from users and, especially, anonymous. You should leave a sensible and reasonable, smart comments. But it should appear at first page.



Dear Mavrodians!!!
Due to the fact that there is a huge amount of requests to give help, placed by old participants  and they are ready to give help to others - we release 5% more of the Debt MAVRO (so Total - 10% by now). From today, 01.05.2013, you can withdraw or convert it into new 30% MAVRO. In the nearest future, we are planning to release more of old MAVRO, as soon as possible. 

बहुत से old  participants द्वारा give help करने पर और उनके दूसरों को help देने के लिए  तयार होने पर - हम 5% Debt MAVRO (so Total - 10% by now) आज से release कर रहे है। अज से 01.05.2013 आप इसको withdraw या 30% new MAVRO में convert कर सकते हो  । हम भविष्य में और अधिक old MAVRO release करेंगे। 

As per multiple requests by managers, during this difficult period of restart, as well as  need of reorganization of your structure and to make it more healthy (extension of the direct downline),
we increase manager "bonus" of 1st level up to 10%. But only for 1 month,i.e. till 01.06.2013. This will be sufficient enough to build your own structures properly and pass through the difficult period of Restart

managers के कई  अनुरोधों के अनुसार, इस मुश्किल restart के समय और उसके साथ अपने संरचना के पुनर्गठन और उसको अधिक स्वस्थ बनाने के लिए  (extension of the direct downline) हम 1st level manager "bonus" को  10%  बढ़ा  रहे है। पर यह केवल 1 month,i.e. till 1.06.2013 तक होगा। यह खुद की संरचनाओं का निर्माण करने और इस मुश्किल Restart के समय से गुजेरने के लिए  पर्याप्त होगा.

We remind all our old participants again to warn the people who join our System, that it is necessary to give help in our community WITHOUT ANY EXPECTATION OF PROFIT. When you come to the temple and donate money or you help the poor with some money, later you dont expect to get it back from God or from the poor helpless people, right? But at the same time you are thinking that by giving this money, spreading happiness, you will be rewarded in life.
Here in MMM - the same applies. The only difference is that the help is needed in life not only by poor people, but also by ordinary people.
 That's why MMM is called mutual aid fund. Do not forget that!

हम एक बार फिरसे अपने पुराने participants को याद दिलवा रहे हैं कि, हमारे सिस्टम में शामिल होने वाले लोगों को सचेत करने के लिए कि हमारे समुदाय में बिना किसी लाभ के मदद देने के लिए आएँ। 
जब हम मंदिर में जाकर पैसा दान करते है या किसी गरीब को अपनी ख़ुशी से पैसा देते हैं  तो फिर हम क्या वो पैसे की वापिस मिलने की उम्मीद करते है क्या? लेकिन एक ही समय में पैसा  देकर मदद करके आप खुशी के प्रसार करने पर आपको अपने जीवन में पुरस्कृत होने की भावना मिलेगी। MMM में यही लागू होता है। फर्क सिर्फ इतना है की मदद सिर्फ न केवल गरीब लोगों को चाहिए बल्कि आम लोगों को भी 
अपने जीवन में चाहिए . यही कारण है कि  MMM को mutual aid fund कहते है यह कभी नही भूलना .


Abhishek Anand
mob - 09934774632

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