Pause mode
Actually, everything is the same as that for the first time on New Year PAUSE declared. The only difference - floating rate. No rating plus 10% on the sale (and reissuing old Moors new), and the percentage (positive or negative) will be determined based on the situation.
If the mass dumping, for example, after the announcement will PAUSE, the percentage may not be 10% plus. A minus 10%. Or minus 20%, minus 50% ... yes any! According to circumstances, I repeat.
Well, roughly speaking, the resources we have 100, and requests promptly inserted 90. Excellent! So pay all 10%. 200? So - minus 50%.
And there is nothing to panic! You just have reasonably in the moments lead. That's all. And all will be well. And systems, and yourself. And then, when everything smoothly and quietly, all patriots. And at the slightest problems ... So quite rightly all. Wait just end PAUSE - and output the all quietly, without any losses. PAUSE after Christmas as it was. Especially absolutely clear that we have a floating coefficient any discharge now effortlessly endure (if necessary install a smaller factor :-)), so that did not worry about anything. And by the time the PAUSE all already fully settle down and ustakanitsya, and this whole saga with the trolls will be forgotten like a bad dream, it is also clear. In general, calm! Most importantly, peace of mind! :-))
So pause mode comes into force with the announcement (April 23, 07:00 GMT) and is valid until July 10, inclusive.
(Two and a half months since the last time. Why break traditions :-)) And maybe, before its finish, this pause. Same as last time. We'll see. We have a lot! :-))
Only for participants from Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan pause mode is entered!
(Where the epidemic was trolls. :-))
All other countries it does not apply to all, there is no pause no!
The duration of the pause mode all MAVRO divided into "old" and "new."
Old - purchased before the announcement PAUSE new - after the announcement.
After graduating PAUSE old MAVRO unfrozen, and the system will be unified again Moors.Which will once again be free to buy, sell, etc. The division into old and new will disappear. (Well, as the last time after the end of the pause occurred.)
New MAVRO MAVRO it acquired during the regime PAUSE. They can dispose of in the normal way without any limitation: buy, sell, restructure, etc. Orders for conclusion on them exposed for 30 minutes, instant renewal. Well, our normal operating mode on them, repeat.
Old MAVRO MAVRO it acquired prior to the announcement PAUSE. The duration of the PAUSE as if they are frozen: their growth in accounts LK suspended date defrost deposits shift for the duration of the pause.
Sell old MAVRO or renew them into new possible under the following conditions:
1. They are translated into money by selling (or new MAVRO at renewal) by the formula (IO) * k
Where (IO) is nominal, and k - the conversion factor.
At last PAUSE k was 1.1, ie paid / reissued nominal plus 10%. This time k will be determined on the basis of the current situation. And may be less than one (I warn you once :-)).
2. Orders at sale (old MAVRO) not put up for 30 minutes, and within 72 hours. (Accordingly, the renewal of old and new in MAVRO also does not occur instantaneously, and 72 hours. When the coefficients are defined already.)
3. During these 72 hours, we will estimate the volume of applications and depending on it will set k.If it does not suit you - will be able to withdraw the application (to cancel the renewal). And just wait until the end PAUSE as normal diligent participant. When all thawed and again go on as usual, on the thumb. As once in the New Year, it was already.
We have a lot!
Total comments: 65
source :
orders not executed - are canceled.
support the idea - not to twitch - let things go on as usual!
Well, where are these still get interest?
Actually, at the beginning of their participation, also tried to "stir up "there is something that would snatch-Pobol cents. Then somehow it all settled down - getting through! Realized that unlucky :)
Pause so pause. Make more than ample opportunity for advertising, stickers (that would stick everywhere, eg in transport), advertisements vvide advertisements loose stripes, vinyl stickers on cars. And then just newspapers and outdated flyers razzhavat not everyone has the opportunity and paste announcement at an entrance or a sticker on the car and can drive to advertise. More advertising and more participants and system more stable and faster pause ends. Farewell Trolls, we can do much
written: "They can be disposed of in the normal way without any limitation: buy, sell, restructure, etc. Order to conclude them exposed for 30 minutes, instant renewal."
And interest during pause They are awarded? Pro is not a word is said. Their worth to invest now or better to wait for 2.5 months? Sense to invest now if they can only buy, sell and renew?
Or post a link where to read.
Birth supernova MMM!
And while quietly climb into our carts up the hill until July. Soon will fly! But the slides will not American. :-) ...
Now SisteMMMa finally cleared, and you can move back to the financial apocalypse! No trolls and leeches.
Money for a new contribution has already prepared, would rather LK launched!
We Can Much!
Glory MMM, thank JMP! We have a lot!
Just I want to update the bank details, but the system will not let me do it because hanging application.